Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
LES opens its doors at 9:00 AM, and supervision begins at that time. Students should not arrive before 9:00 AM. Instruction begins promptly at 9:15 AM. Students arriving after 9:15 must be signed in at the front desk.
Students will be dismissed at 3:53 PM on regular school days and 1:53 PM on early closing days. Parents/guardians picking up students at dismissal must stay in their car and pull into the second entrance and follow arrows. Have your student's car number on your dashboard. All students need to be picked up by 4:00 PM. Students may not remain at school after dismissal unless they have written permission from a parent/guardian for a school sponsored event.
Parents/guardians requesting occasional changes in their child's normal departure routine must send a signed and dated permission note. All adults who pick up students will be asked to provide identification (ID). Due to limited space on buses, requests to ride a different bus may not be approved.
Medical appointments and emergencies occasionally require a student to leave school early. To assure the safety of our students, written permission should be sent ahead of time whenever possible. Parents/guardians must sign out their child at the front desk. Anyone picking up a student must show ID.