School Administration
Meet Ms. Grubb
Merilee Grubb, Principal
- Email:
- Phone: 540-661-4520 ext. 3028
Ms. Merilee Grubb was graciously appointed the principal of Lightfoot Elementary School July 1, 2019. Ms. Grubb previously served as the assistant principal of Locust Grove Primary and Elementary Schools from 2017 to 2019. Mrs. Grubb earned a bachelor’s degree in English and Linguistics, a Master’s in Elementary Education, and completed her Educational Leadership degree from the University of Mary Washington. Ms. Grubb also taught classroom management at the University of Mary Washington to prospective teachers. Ms. Grubb taught in a variety of K-8 classrooms for more than 15 years, earning her National Board Certification, and partnered with teachers as an instructional coach for another 4 years before coming to Orange County.
Ms. Grubb loves her Lightfoot Elementary School family. “I have been fortunate to serve as principal for four years to the most PAWSitive students, staff, parents and community. The Lightfoot community is a talented and passionate group of educators. I pride myself on building relationships with students, staff, parents and the community to provide the highest quality education to all students of Lightfoot Elementary School.”
Message from Ms. Grubb
September 29, 2024
Dear Timberwolf Families,
We had a lot of PAWSitive teaching and learning this week at Lightfoot! Check out Facebook to see all of the fun instructional activities at Lightfoot, including the highlight on fifth grade this week. Together we have a VISION to ensure our students have the content knowledge and skills they need for college and career opportunities. Helping your child have time to complete homework and studying is important. Did you know your child can use (password is les) to help study Science and Social Studies? Teachers also send home paper copies and digital copies or study guides, including the Family Math Connections. We start tutoring next week and are excited at how many students are signed up! We appreciate the extra time with students to assist as many of them as we can. Thank you for partnering with us!
The staff here at LES continues to cultivate a positive environment through our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Five students received a PAWSitive Office Referral, and 507 students have earned PAWSitive Tickets for “Practicing RESPECT, Accepting RESPONSIBILITY, While we Stay SAFE.” 101 students still have perfect attendance. The overall average attendance for Lightfoot is 96.3%. Our chronic absenteeism is at 10.7%--our goal is to be less than 5%. We can work together to make sure that each student does not exceed missing 10% of the school year so students can succeed.
Be present, be proud, be PAWSitive! Lightfoot Elementary wants to partner with you. Students need to be in school each day on time and through the end of the school day. Ms. Brooking, our attendance designee, will schedule a phone or in person meeting once a student meets 5 absences, regardless of the reason. She will also reach out regarding excessive tardies, including late arrivals and early pick-ups. Please let us know how we can support your child's regular school attendance to optimize learning.
Stay PAWSitive Timberwolves!
Merilee R. Grubb, Principal
Important upcoming dates:
9/30/24-10/4/24 Penny Wars - students can bring in change for this PTA fundraiser to try to have the most pennies for a grade level award (extra recess and popsicles) - be on the lookout for more information
9/30/24 Tutoring (Reading M/F, Math T/Th) Starts 8:00-9:00 AM
10/1/24 Bullying Prevention poster contest entries due
10/7/24-10/11/24 Bullying Prevention Week
10/7- Monday- Don't Hide Your Kindness: Wear Camo
10/8- Tuesday- Give Bullying the Boot- Wear Boots
10/9- Wednesday- Hats off to Kindness- Wear Hats
10/10- Thursday- Team Up For Kindness- Wear Jerseys
10/11- Friday- (No School) Come Together for a Cause - Wear Pink and attend the football game
10/10/24 End of 1st Nine Weeks
10/10/24 PTA Meeting at 4:15 PM
10/11/24 No school/Teacher Workday
10/14/24 No school/Teacher PD Day
10/18/24 Report Cards go home
10/16/24 GR 4 MWEE Field Trip (Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience)
10/24/24 Reading Night (Character Dress up with Trick-or-Treat/Kona Ice)
10/25/24 Hat Day $1 for PTA
10/25/24 Last day of (Reading M/F, Math T/Th) Tutoring
10/28/24 Science Tutoring (M,T,Th,F) Starts 8:00-9:00 AM